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The Older They Are....

01 June 2005 - 12:01 am

Alright�this falling off the bike thing�.

I was taking chuckie jr and a friend to the park. We decided to ride our bikes as it was a nice day and the park isn�t too far away. In fact, it�s adjacent to jr�s school.

There are two routes to get to the park. One crosses a street right at our house and goes along the sidewalk directly to the park. The other does not cross the street at the house, but up the road a little way, and then goes to the school.

The boys were so anxious to get to the park they chose the second of the two options so they wouldn�t have to wait for cars at the intersection immediately in front of the house. I, being a little slower and therefore behind them in the trip, decided to go the first route as I looked and thought all the cars had cleared and I could cross.

The speed limit on this street is 30mph. Hardly anyone goes 30mph on this street. They�re usually going anywhere from 40 � 55mph. This street also includes a lot of landscaping that hides many cars until they make the slight turn in the road and are almost right in front of you. Combine the curve, the landscaping and the high speed most are traveling and it�s sometimes dangerous. You have to be careful at this intersection.

So, I looked and thought it was all clear and proceeded thru the intersection. At about the middle of the road I noticed a white truck, going at LEAST 45mph barreling down the other side of the road. I knew I wouldn�t make it across the street in time without a collision, so I decided to turn the bike and ride in the lane which didn't have the barreling tucking in it, rather than risking a potential scrape.

I didn�t judge my turn very well because, as I was turning to get into the lane, I collided with the curbing in the middle of the road that separates one lane from the other. It was one of those slow motion events in your life. You see yourself falling just as the truck whizzes by in the opposite lane, with the driver turning his head to watch the loser take a tumble to the pavement. Did he stop? No, of course not. This is Florida, people. You don�t actually expect humans to care about each other do you??? Luckily there was no traffic on the road to run me over in the other direction. I surely would�ve inconvenienced someone had that happened. They might�ve had to slow down to the actual speed limit or endure a considerable bump as they drove over me in the their rush to where every they were going. Hera forbid anyone be inconvenienced.

As a result I have a few bruises in quite interesting places due to the bike seat and the gravel on the road. At least most are hidden and are only on one side of me. As a result I�ve taken to walk sideways so people see the good side only. :-P

All in all, it�s not big deal. I have minor damage as a result of my stupidity in thinking that people would actually obey the traffic laws and subsequently care that they caused bodily harm to another. My bad. I should know better after almost 2 years here.

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